Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Favorite Application

  In my Samsung Galaxy cellphone there are a lot of applications and one application that i like the most is Androidify. I like it because it is like dressing up your own character. I made the first picture. It is a girl that likes to paint because she has a painter's hat. And she also likes rock and roll thats why her hand has a rock sign and she has shades. The second one is made by my smaller sister. She likes to watch 3D movies that's why she has the 3D glasses. She also likes to listen to any kind of music.And lastly she likes to wear pretty dresses.

Here are more androids that we made :
made by my sister
made by me!
made by me!
This is a nice application because you can do anything with your android ,you can put an ipod or a rose or a watch.You can also change the android's clothes ,hair or shoes .You can also change it's height or size. All we can say is that IT IS VERY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

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