Monday, May 23, 2011

Cross stitch

Last month me and my family except for my dad went to a cross stitching class. We learned the basics and started with a heart master piece.

The 1st picture is my sister's work.The name is Smiley hearts because it has smiles on the heart. The second picture was my work.It is called heart balloon because there is a string to make it look like a balloon .But only on one heart.

When we were half way done with our heart master piece we made a friendship bracelet.It was easier to make than the heart master piece.We used 3 pieces of different colored strings to tie together to make the bracelet.

When we were looking around of what they were selling and I saw one design that i would like to try to make at home .It is called miss wifi. It was fun but very tiring because you need to do more than 20 x!!!!!!!!!My thread was easily finished by the hair but my mom bought some thread for my work.When i was done with the hair I was very happy that  at least I finished the hair.The next day I was persistent  to do the laptop and the outline of the head.I got to finish it and I also get to do even more than just that. I also did the outline of the body! I was really tired because my hands hurt. After a lot more  days I  finished it.

And here is my finished work:

I really learned a lot from that experience.I am really proud of my work!

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