Thursday, April 28, 2011

my cupcake

This is  a cupcake i made in my cooking class. It has purple icing on the top and marshmallows ,sprinkles and flowers for decorations.

The small round thing is also edible! It is candy! I can't wait for our next lesson.

me and my dad camp 2011.

Me and My Dad Camp 2011
Last April 15 and 16, 2011 I went to a camp with my my dad and sister in camp Akela. It is very far from our house.It took almost 4 hours going there. While we were going there we felt a bit hungry so we went to Mcdo.
We ate pancakes!When we were done eating,we started going there again. We got a bit lost but we also found our way. when we reached there we started pitching our tents and brought the stuff from the car to the tent. When we saw it was so hot in our place we moved our tent under the tree. It was cooler under the tree.We started the camp with an orientation.Our team's name is BLACK PANTHER. First we had to make a cheer.we made a cross formation after we had lunch.My lunch was luncehon meat. My dad cooked it and it tastes so good!!!!!The camp served the rice so we did not have to bring rice.When we went there to get rice it was so little left .My dad wanted more but when he went to get more rice there was no more so he just shared with us.The lunch break was 2 hours and 30minutes so we still get to do a lot of things. First we drank coconut juice and ate the inner part. Next we went horse back riding .The line was so long so i said lets just go fishing first but my dad said no . It is ok because it is just a little more time to wait. Then not long it was our turn already.We rode the horse for 2 rounds. When we finished riding the horse we went fishing. It was so hot so we did  not fish and also there is no more fishing rod so we just roamed around .After the lunch break we had a group activity.There were 4 stations so our team went to the airsoft station.We needed to rip the paper with bullets .One guy almost ripped it into half but he did not.When the bell rang we started moving into another station.Our next station was cooking!It was fun because I got  some vegetables from the vegetable farm near by.I got a carrot and an eggplant also my sister.She got a tomato and an eggplant.When we went back to our station, there were already so much ingredients .So the children who were assigned to cook tried to do it fast because there was only 5 or less minutes left.We won 3rd place but its ok .At least we did not get 4th place.Our next station was the photo booth.We take 4 pictures each father and kid.When we were done we went to the fishing station .At first there was no fishing rod cause we were late in going there , so we still waited for 5 minutes then we got a fishing rod. So I was happy that  I got to fish.We did not catch so much fish but we still got third place because i think the other team got none and our team got 2. When we were done we played a game but this game was only for the dads .The game directions were 1.)PUT A SHIRT IN TO A COLD BUCKET OF WATER. 2.)LET THE FIRST PLAYER WEAR THE SHIRT THEN 3.) LET THE 2ND PLAYER REMOVE THE SHIRT FROM THE 1ST PLAYER.THEN DO THIS ON AND ON WITH THE FOLLOWING PLAYERS.4.)THEN WHEN THE LAST PLAYER RECIVES IT ,HE WILL SQUEEZE THE SHIRT IN THE BOTTLE ANDWHOEVER CAN FILL IT THE MOST WINS.
                      With a big surprise our team won!We were so happy! After that we had an early dinner .We ate tuna and hot dog.Now the rice was a lot so we got many also.After that we had session time. Since it was a me and my dad camp we wrote letters to our dads and our dad will also write for us.when the  session was done we went back to our dad then we read the letters .The person who was leading the workshop said we will put our letters on some lanterns that we bought there.So we went to the open space and we first listened to a demonstration on how to let our lanterns fly.( something like the lanterns in the movie Tangled). The wind was a little strong so it was easy for us to fly our lanterns.At first we had a problem because our lantern had a hole but then it still flew up to the sky then we saw that our lantern almost fell to the ground but it went up again .When our lanterns flew already we went to the bon fire.It was so hot there that my eyes got hurt .We cooked our marshmallows on the fire then and ate it . After thoose yummy mallows we went to sleep .It was so cold at night.
                     When we woke up our things felt so wet.Our slippers were wet so i did not get to go out of the tent at first.When it was dry already i went to eat , brush my teeth and walk around.When my sister woke up we changed our clothes and we ate breakfast. For breakfast we had hotdogs.We had a lot of  rice.When we were done eating we went on the second session..Then we played more games.First there was tug of war for dads and kids.We did not win but it is ok.Then there was a water gun fighting game.We did not really see much because we left already.We started packing our stuff and then we left the camp.When we were on the way home we felt hungry so we ate in Mcdo.We ate chicken.That was for lunch.We then went back home safe and tired.
                        I thank my dad for coming with me and my sister on that day  for sacrificing a day and a half  of work just to go with us.